Friday, May 31, 2024

Zeacrinites Crinoid Calyx Fossil

These pictures of a crinoid calyx fossil that appears to be a Zeacrinites wortheni (Hall, 1858).  This fossil was found in the Glen Dean Member of Grayson County, Kentucky USA. The fossil dates to the Mississippian Period. The next three pictures show it from three more sides. The rule is 1 cm segments.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Zeacrinites wortheni Crinoid Calyx

This fossil was found in the Glen Dean Member of Grayson County, Kentucky USA. It is a crinoid calyx fossil that appears to be a Zeacrinites wortheni (Hall, 1858). The fossil dates to the Mississippian Period. The next three pictures show it from three more sides. Rule is in one centimeter blocks.


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fossils At Kentucky Rest Stop


A few weekends ago, we stopped at a Huck's Market (675 Western Kentucky Parkway, Beaver Dam, Kentucky) at on our way to a wedding in western Kentucky. While out stretching my legs, I examined a few boulders near the gas station/rest stop and found some fossils. The boulder located in the grass next to the parking lot near fuel pumps contained mostly crinoid stem and some brachiopods fossils. I am guessing they date to the Mississippian Period.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Fossils on the Roof


While at work last week, I was working up on the roof of the building and found that it was covered in small river pea gravel. A quick look at the gravel and I found two fragments of horn coral fossils (first two pictures). The last picture shows either a bryozoan or colonial coral fossil. The building is located in Louisville, Kentucky and was built in the 1970s. It is a good assumption the gravel was dredged from the Ohio River.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Amadeus Grabau's Paleontology of Niagara Falls Book


On September 12, 2022 I posted about acquiring Amadeus Grabau's (1870-1946) book Geology and Palaeontology of Eighteen Mile Creek and the Lake Shore Sections of Erie County, New York from 1899. While looking at my bookshelf for a book to read, I came across another book I had acquired in 2023. It is the 1901 Amadeus Grabau's Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. Normally I would not get a book about fossils from New York or a place I have not collected from before but I have a special interest in this author.

I bought the book for a number of reasons: it is signed by Dr. Grabau, it includes a chapter from Elizabeth J. Letson (1874-1919) [who I profiled in a blog posting June 1, 2021], it contains a number images by paleontologist Elvira Wood (1865-1928), and it has fossil images I can scan and post (particularly Silurian Period fossils). The book is an ex-Cap May City Public Library (New Jersey) copy and was bought from Princeton Antiques Bookfinders (Atlantic City).

It is inscribed: "To my good Friend Rev. August Steinle with the warm regards of the author Amadeus W Grabau May 8, 1906". Below is a scan of what he wrote, note the insect holes where they have eaten part of the page. I am not sure I have the spelling of the reverend's last name correct.

Chapter 5 in the book is written by Ms. Letson (title listed as Director of museum, Buffalo society of natural sciences) and it is entitled "Post-Pliocene Fossils of Niagara". On page 241, she included the figure and description for Amnicola letsoni (Walker, 1901) which is a gastropod species named after her. At the beginning of the chapter she lists a footnote "I wish to acknowledge here my obligations to Prof. Henry A. Pilsbry, Mr Bryant Walker and Dr. V. Sterki, for valuable assistance and advice given in the preparation of this chapter."

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Straparollus planispira Gastropod Fossil


This fossil appears to be a Straparollus planispira (Cumings, 1906) gastropod fossil. It was found by Lucien Beckner (1872-1963) in 1928 in Breck County Kentucky, USA. The fossil dates to the Mississippian Period.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pentremites godoni Blastoid Fossils


Picture of a number of blastoid fossils that appear to be Pentremites godoni (Defrance, 1819). They were found by Lucien Beckner (1872-1963) in Meade County, Kentucky USA. The fossils date to the Mississippian Period. This picture was taken last year and since then the fossils have been cleaned. Hopefully will post some new pictures soon.

The Kentucky Geological Survey has a nice web page about blastoid fossils. Go there to learn all kinds of interesting information, for instance, the first blastoid described in 1808 literature was from western Kentucky.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Unknown Spiny Brachiopod in Black Shale

This fossil is quite interesting. It appears to a brachiopod with very long spines. The fossil is from the collection of the late Dr. James Conkin (1924-2017) and had no label with it. The fossil is in a black shale and the only shale found around the Louisville area is the New Albany shale. Fossils are rare in that shale and usually very small and not white colored. 

The brachiopod could be some sort of Productoid where the genus could be Pulchratia or Linoproductus. See University of Nebraska-Lincoln brachiopods of the Grant Shale web page. The Fossils of Parks Township web site shows a brachiopod called Antiquatonia portlockiana (Brew & Beus, 1976) and originally named Producti portlockianus (1855).

If anyone has suggestions of what this might be named or the locality it is from, please let me know. Thanks!