Here is bryozoan from the Mississippian period from Hodgenville, Kentucky I just found.
I am not sure the species but it appears to be genus Fenestella.
Here is something that is kind of neat. You can see lines squiggling around. Those lines are layers of Fenestella layered in the rock. They look like little lines of dots.
Looking for some crinoid images I found some pictures of a living crinoid that lives in deep water (250+ meters). It is called Neocrinus decorus and it can move slowly. Here is a website showing a series of images of the creature moving across the seafloor.
The paper is here and I only read part of it. It is interesting especially the image of the tracks which might be something to look for in rock layers where crinoids are found.
This is a neat site as well from a couple that lived in the Grand Caymen Islands for about a year and dive a lot around the island. There is a submarine there that dives to deeper depths and they took some crinoid pictures while there.