Saturday, October 26, 2024

Grabauphyllum johnstoni Coral Fossil


This picture is of a Grabauphyllum johnstoni (Foerste, 1917) coral fossil of the Silurian Period. This image is of the lost holotype published in 1917. It dates to the Silurian Period and was found outside of Chicago, Illinois, USA.

This fossil was first described and imaged in "Notes on Silurian Fossils From Ohio and Other Central States" by August F. Foerste (1862-1936) pages 187-204 in The Ohio Journal of Science Volume XVII No. 6 April 1917. The holotype fossil was lost. Fossil coral researcher Erwin C. Stumm (1908-1969) revisited this fossil in the November 15, 1968 publication Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology The University of Michigan, "A Redescription of the Middle Silurian Compound Rugose Coral Grabauphyllum johnstoni Foerste (Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 71-73, 1 pl.).

Foerste wrote, "Found in the Niagaran dolomite near McCook, 5 miles west of Chicago, Illinois, by William Johnston. Genus named in honor of Prof. Amadeus Grabau, of Columbia University in recognition of his valuable contributions to our knowledge of corals." I have written about Dr. Amadeus Grabau (1870-1946) in an earlier blog posting.

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