Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fossilized Insect Wing from Pennsylvania

Here are some images of an unknown insect wing that was found by KYANA Geological Society member named Dave. He does not live in the Louisville area but we are fortunate to have him as a member of our group.

This specimen was found in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania as part of a Delaware Valley Paleontological Society field trip. The wing is approximately 35 mm in length and 10 mm in width. The next picture was color adjusted to provide more contrast between the wing lines (veins) and the rock.

The books I have for Ohio say a common insect part to find is of cockroaches. I looked on the Internet and this wing does not resemble those. I was thinking maybe a dragonfly (Libellulium - order Odonata). Here is a website from Kansas talking about fossil insects. I wish the pictures were larger. Apparently, Kansas was a buzz of fossil insect activity because another webite (Winds of Kansas) is here.

This last picture was the wing embossed so the lines are more pronounced.

There is a discussion on fossil forum about this specimen here.

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