
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Walking With Dinosaurs

It is Thunder Over Louisville day here in Louisville Kentucky which is an event that is part of the celebration leading up to the Kentucky Derby.   The day is marked by an air show and capped off with one of the largest firework displays in the United States.  I usually leave in the evening before the large crowds (sometimes numbering in 500,000-750,000 people are at full force).  Here is a picture of a F-16 almost hovering over the Kennedy Bridge downtown.

As in past years, I have volunteered at the Louisville Science Center for their fundraiser, ThunderBlast.  This year we had a special visitor from the show Walking with Dinosaurs - The Arena Spectacular.  This baby Tyrannosaurus rex replica suit is part of a show that will be visiting Louisville's Freedom Hall May 14-16, 2010.  Note to self: next year bring sunblock and a hat!

I was sort of expecting some sort of animatronic creature but the suit has a person in and you can see their legs which somewhat removes the realism.  But the movement, sounds and crowd interaction were good and it made for a fun event.

The T. rex would move along the crowd and kids wanted to pet it which it would them but then suddenly snap at them causing them to jump or laugh.  It was interesting to watch the interactions.  Unfortunately for the girl in front of me holding the hot dog and fries, it startled her into dropping her meal.

The T. rex then sort of roared (shriked, laughed, ???) after sending her lunch to the pavement.  It did not go to waste, I saw somebody afterward pick it up for their dog to eat.

Baby T. rex will be making some more appearances around Louisville this month:

Sunday, April 18, 2010 at the Louisville Bats vs. Columbus Clippers game at Louisville Slugger Field, 6:05 pm

Monday, April 19, 2010 at Fourth Street Live! 11 am to 1 pm

Monday, April 19, 2010 at Kentucky Exposition Center's North Wing front patio 3:30 pm to 6 pm

The main show will be May 14-16, 2010 at Freedom Hall check or for more information. "Get your tickets before they're extinct!"


  1. Walking With Dinosaurs: The Arena Spectacular will be in Louisville, May 14-16, 2010?! Holy Cretaceous!!!! That's AWESOME!!!! I'd better go and purchase my tickets!! :D

  2. I have spent many 2 Saturdays before the first Saturday in May on the river. And, what a blast it was, but the crowds-I guess I am now too old-I can't deal with'em anymore.

    Hope y'all are having fun in the River City!

  3. Raptor Lewis, I recently found your site. How about an update?

  4. Raptor Lewis,
    I think you will like the show. Here is some more information from the brochure they were handing out. There will be 17 life sized dinosaur models roaming the arena. Tickets can be bought at, ticketmaster outlets, by phone 800-745-3000, at Freedom Hall & Kentucky International Convention Center ticket offices. Have fun!

    The Courier-Journal listed the crowds estimated size at 700,000. I ended up watching the fireworks on TV. When I upgrade my camera to an DSLR I will probably stay down there and photograph the show. The crowd does not so much bother me as the traffic jam getting out of downtown at the end!
