
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fun With Fluorescents

Smiley face created with uranium marbles being illuminated with a longwave ultraviolet (UV) light.

MARBLES for sale (eBay LINK or eBay LINK) at reasonable prices!!!

A piece of calcite (red) with a few specks for willemite (green) from the famous locality, Franklin, New Jersey.

A calcite geode from Durango, Mexico showing fluorescence under shortwave UV light.

Two uranium marbles illuminated with a UV LED that is for sale on eBay with FREE shipping: CLICK HERE.  See something similar: CLICK HERE

A quartz thunderegg (Oregon) illuminated with white light and UV longwave light.

 A longwave ultraviolet lightbulb illuminating an uranium glass marble and calcite mineral.  Available on eBay with FREE shipping: CLICK HERE

CRACKLE marbles as seen HERE