
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fossils in the Cincinnati Museum Meeting Room

On a recent visit to the Cincinnati Museum Geier Collections Center, I was waiting in a meeting room there that has a lot of display cases. The cases intent I believe is to show a sampling of the 3 million piece collection stored there.

This first picture shows a slab with a large crinoid stem and calyx partially exposed. The stem may have been almost a meter long. It was amazing to see such a large piece intact like that one. The larger display cases had two prepared Calymene or Flexicalymene trilobites. The items shown in the cases were very nice. If I had to change one thing, it would be nice if each specimen had display card telling what it is and maybe a little of its history/donor information.

I think this was Ordovician Period braching bryozoan. If it is, quite a beauty in 3-D.

A rock plate with four brachiopods (Platystrophia?) probably from the Ordovician Period.